Sales Condition
All technical data and descriptions could be changed without prior notice. DAMAST, through continuous research and product development, is free to alter shape and parts of our products, if necessary. The
images in catalogues and brochures are purely for illustrative purposes and may not accurately represent
the fi nal product (dimension, weights and other details are subject to change). The tonality of colours should be a little bit di erent between a delivery and another one, and consequently DAMAST doesn’t accept complaints about this matter.
Orders are subject to our approval. They will remain valid even after the planned delivery term and in any
case until express cancellation notifi ed by registered letter.
The delivery terms are always given as information and they have to be considered as not binding. No refund is therefore due for possible delivery delays.
The quantities must be checked on receipt of the goods and any complaint must be made to the carrier.
The goods travel at the client’s own risk, even in the case of delivery free at destination, a condition complementary to the sale contract. DAMAST will not be responsible for any damage, delay or shortage suered during transportation.
No claims will be accepted after eight days from receipt of the goods.
Interest at the current rate will be charged for any delays in payment. Damast reserves the right to delete any order if the payments are overdue. Not complaint of whatever type give the right to suspend payments.
Returns are not accepted unless expressly authorized by the company and accompanied by the completed form.
Unless otherwise specifi ed, the guarantee provided by Damast is:
• 2 years for verifi ed manufacturing defects on chromed material;
• 1 year for verifi ed manufacturing defects on material in other fi nishes;
• 1 year for verifi ed manufacturing defects on any electrical or electronic component.
In order to be able to enforce the guarantee, the customer must necessarily provide the references of the
sales invoice relating to the products which present the disputed defects. Damast does not provide a guarantee covering the incorrect or the inappropriate use of its products. If the material should be defective owing to manufacturig faults Damast reserves the right to replace the material or to credit the value to the customer. However under no circumstance does the company’s liability extend to the payment of direct or indirect charges additional.
The law applicable to any agreement and for any dispute arising out or in connection with the agreement
between Damast and Customers is the Italian law.
Any dispute shall be fi nally settled in accordance with the rules of conciliation and arbitration of the Court of Novara or nearest available Court in Italy