Damast sponsor of the event: “Stories of hospitality. Projects, protagonists and stories about hospitality”

The Damast #shower shop is sponsor of the “Stories of hospitality” event. Projects, protagonists and stories about hospitality” organized by the magazines Area and Hotel Domani on the occasion of their 50 years of publication.

This is an important conference that will take place on November 15, 2023 starting at 2.30 pm in Milan, at the BASE space.

Architecture firms, university professors and journalists will discuss the topic of hospitality to investigate opportunities and strategies, new dynamics and different approaches to the topic.

“We have always turned to the hospitality sector – declares Concetta Mastrolia – to promote the importance of showering. We share with them the attention for the guest and we believe that our products should increasingly be recognized for their quality, their efficiency as well as attention to water saving”

We are pleased to extend the invitation to you to participate. Please forward this message to your clients and professionals you know which allows free direct registration.

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