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The Damast #doccetteria at SIA Rimini. Concrete solutions for shower and wellness in the hotel room (Hall D4 – Stand 001)

The company specializing in showers, shower heads, sliding rails, shower panels, meets the Hotellerie sector. Because even in a hotel room, like in a SPA, promoting the pleasure of the shower for the guest is more important than ever.

Damast, a company specializing in #doccetteria for 20 years, will be present from 13 to 15 October 2021 at SIA in Rimini, the Italian reference event for the hotel and hospitality sector.

From the more traditional hand showers to the minimal ones up to the new flush-to-the-wall solutions with reduced dimensions; wall, wall and recessed ceiling shower heads; shower panels – also ideal for renovations – which in a single integrated solution offer advanced functionality and different types of jets; resistant outdoor showers suitable for outdoor environments and yet a wide choice of accessories, aimed at every user without limit of age and physical condition. The company’s proposal includes concrete solutions for the bathroom of hotels and, more generally, all accommodation facilities that make hospitality their added value: hotel chains, apartments, bed & breakfasts, residences, resorts and wellness centers.

“We have always turned to the hospitality sector – says Concetta Mastrolia, CEO of Damast – to promote the importance of showering. We share with them the attention for the guest and we believe that the shower is a beneficial , which allows you to start or end the day in the best possible way: for this reason it should never be underestimated “. And again: “Making the customer find, inside a hotel room, high-performance systems and showers, full and advanced jets, beautiful products to look at and above all comfortable to use, allows us to satisfy that need that we all have: to feel good. , like at home, even when we are not at home “.

A concept, that of “home” as hospitality, which Damast itself will promote at SIA in order to “let the products speak” in a world of minimal and essential style well-being.

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