On Monday 30th October 2023 at the Day Center of Villa Marazza in Borgomanero, the delivery ceremony of the vehicle donated on loan for free use to the Consortium took place, for the benefit of the users of the center who, through PMG, Benefit Companies for the positive impact, as part of the “Positive Impact Cities” project, will be able to use this vehicle equipped for the transport of disabled people to carry out various socio-rehabilitative activities. Achieving this important objective was possible thanks to the sensitivity and generosity of many local donors.

Damast was also pleased to support the initiative by sharing the objectives of the project, aimed at implementing actions and interventions aimed at sharing a culture of solidarity and sustainability, through the improvement of the environmental, cultural, social and territorial context. On the same day an important training moment also took place at the Liceo Statale “G. Galilei” of Gozzano. Giuseppe Reale, Marketing Manager of Damast, spoke with a short speech raising awareness among students on the topic of water saving.
We thank the company for its commitment and Benefit initiatives!
Città ad Impatto Positivo – C.I.S.S. Borgomanero (cissborgomanero.it)